Droga5 パーパスを中心にビジネスの構築を支援【NY視察研修2019レポート】

宣伝会議では、2019年9月22日から8日間の日程で、米・ニューヨーク視察研修「Business Creation Lab. 2019 in New York」を開催。視察では、世界最大級のマーケティングカンファレンス「Advertising Week NY」への参加のほか、米国の第一線のマーケティング・広告・テクノロジー企業など6社の視察とディスカッションを行った。本レポートでは、視察から見えた世界最先端の広告・メディアビジネスのトレンドを紹介する。


2019年4月にアクセンチュアインタラクティブが買収を発表したDroga5。デジタルエクスペリエンスを重視したクリエイティブで、カンヌライオンズをはじめ多くの賞を獲得してきた同社は、今ブランドのコミュニケーションをどのように考えているのか。同社Chief Design Officer(CDO)のJason Severs氏に聞いた。

CDOのJason Severs氏。







Droga5 Supports structuring the business by centering the purpose

Droga5 is a company which Accenture Interactive released an announcement about buyout in April 2019. What does Droga5 think the brand communications in these days as a company which has earned many awards including Cannes Lions with its creativeness focusing in digital experience? We interviewed Mr. Jason Severs, the Chief Design Officer (CDO) of Droga5.

Droga5 has a particular idea which has been upheld through up to this point. That is “To make a significant movement in our culture.” Moreover, it is “To change the way we see the world.” We value in how our creation makes the client’s brand influential, meaning “to light a spark” for inspiring people.

In order to achieve such influence, we are always trying to generate high-level “engagement.” We are trying to generate such engagement by appealing to the deep psyche which people are not even conscious by themselves. When doing so, it is important to collect appropriate data of consumers and understand them well rather than judging their deep psyche just by a third eye. In the aspect of generating more engagement, the possibility broadens by entering a partnership with Accenture Interactive. We are trying to light a spark by our creative idea in our first contact with the consumer. By utilizing Accenture technology, we lead them to deeper experiences.

We build a strategic framework in order to achieve this process. At that time, we start knowing the brand’s purpose. In case the client does not know their own purpose, we start from developing a model. Once the purpose is set, then we can start thinking about the upper-stream business structure and the lower-stream marketing communication.

Now, how can we deliver the purpose and value of the brand correctly? We try to understand the process which a person recognizes something. Then, we think how we can provide something that remains in people’s memories. In other words, we catch the consumer’s identities. At the same time, it is important to think about the future and chances which the corresponding brand can expect to have. After creating the brand identity and the consumer identity, we give a vision to the brand. We mix these two identities and the brand vision and imagine how we can create the facts which influence the world.

What we have to always remember in this process is that we cannot keep ourselves involved with the client’s brand all the time. We have to think about creating an output so the client can own its value and keep the relationship with their consumers. In these days, that can be mostly realized by using the digital channels. We need to deeply understand the digital channels surrounding our environment and daily lives, and we need the ability to see the futures of the consumers and the brand in five or ten years for envisioning the greater journeys.


