Wieden + Kennedy ブランドの声を見つけ出し世の中とコネクションする【NY視察研修2019レポート】

宣伝会議では、2019年9月22日から8日間の日程で、米・ニューヨーク視察研修「Business Creation Lab. 2019 in New York」を開催。視察では、世界最大級のマーケティングカンファレンス「Advertising Week NY」への参加のほか、米国の第一線のマーケティング・広告・テクノロジー企業など6社の視察とディスカッションを行った。本レポートでは、視察から見えた世界最先端の広告・メディアビジネスのトレンドを紹介する。


Ad Ageが発表する「Agency A-List」で2019年にAgency of the Yearに選ばれたWieden+Kennedy。彼らがつくり出す社会を動かすクリエイティビティの源泉について、同社PR SpecialistのSanam Shah氏とStrategistのBrian Ritter氏に聞いた。

Sanam Shah氏とBrian Ritter氏。

私たちは「バカなことを真剣にする」というモットーを掲げ、仕事に取り組んでいます。創業者の言葉にも「No assholes」があり、遊び心を大切にしているのです。このような文化があるからこそ、37年にわたり独立系広告会社としての立場を維持できているのかもしれません。


制作プロセスとして、はじめにリサーチを徹底的に行います。会社について、業種・業界について、立ちはだかるビジネスチャレンジ、私たちが求められていること、私たちがしなくてよいことなどへの理解を深めます。それをもとに、Wieden +Kennedyがやりたいことと、クライアントがやりたいことを組み合わせるのです。こうして導き出した作品の理想像が、目標・ゴールの指標となり、これらを達成するために計画を立てていきます。


1. Ask a lot of questions

2.Getting the truth

3.Find a brand’s voice

4.Build their world bigger than ads

5.Give the brand culture



Wieden + Kennedy Hear the voices of the brand and connect with the world

Wieden + Kennedy, an agency which was selected as the Agency of the Year in 2019 by “Agency A-List” presented by Ad Age. We have interviewed Ms. Sanam Shah, the PR Specialist of Wieden + Kennedy, and Mr. Brian Ritter, the Strategist.

We are approaching our work with our motto, “Work seriously on silly things.” One of our founders’ word is “No assholes.” They found having playful spirit was important. Such culture in Wieden + Kennedy may be one reason we have been maintaining our position as an independent agency for 37 years.

In addition, our work pieces commonly have “chaos.” This “chaos” is the most interesting ingredient which generates the driving force to create a workpiece which moves the world.

As the creation process, we first carry out the research thoroughly. We will try to deeply understand about the company, business type, industry, business challenge, what we are expected, and what we do not have to do. According to the research result, we combine what Wieden + Kennedy wants to do and what the client wants to do. The ideal image of the work piece lead in this process becomes a guidepost of the target/goal. We will plan to achieve the target/goal.

In the execution stage, there are various problems we have to face. There are five approaches to use for dealing such problems.

1. Ask a lot of questions
Just asking many questions help. Asking questions may give inspiration to find potential business problems.

2. Getting the truth
Look into the truth. What made the company started? What is the reason of the company to exist? What is the company doing in order to make consumer understand their values? Understanding the answers to these questions clears the view.

3. Find a brand’s voice
Hear the voices of the brand. In work pieces, agencies tend to deliver a message as an advertisement; however, delivering the brand’s voice is rather important. We think this is similar to the situation that what a person says and how a person sees things become the driving force for that person’s business.

4. Build their world bigger than ads
Without being caught by the advertisement, construct the world of the brand. Finding a voice of the brand is not for creating campaigns and work pieces which fit the brand. It is for creating a movement which overcomes the advertisement.

5. Give the brand culture
Incorporate the brand into the culture. Rather than making topics for within the industry, it is important to create a work piece which makes people in the world have opinions about and talk about.

We create the “chaos” in our work pieces by repeating these approaches for finding the truth. I believe that the world can be moved when this “chaos” reaches many people.


