Xandr テレビ広告のパーソナライゼーションと自動化を促進【NY視察研修2019レポート】

宣伝会議では、2019年9月22日から8日間の日程で、米・ニューヨーク視察研修「Business Creation Lab. 2019 in New York」を開催。視察では、世界最大級のマーケティングカンファレンス「Advertising Week NY」への参加のほか、米国の第一線のマーケティング・広告・テクノロジー企業など6社の視察とディスカッションを行った。本レポートでは、視察から見えた世界最先端の広告・メディアビジネスのトレンドを紹介する。


2018年9月に創業した、通信大手AT&Tのグループのプログラマティック広告を手がけるXandr。コネクテッドTVをはじめとする視聴データなどを活用したパーソナライズ広告の現在の状況、そしてこれからの戦略についてBobby Mohr氏( Vice President, Client Partnerships)に聞いた。

Bobby Mohr氏(Vice President , Client Partnerships)。






Xandr Promoting personalization and automatization of the TV advertisements

After its establishment in September 2018, Xandr handles programmatic advertisement of AT&T group, the flagship communication company. We interviewed Mr. Bobby Mohr (Vice President, Client Partnerships) and asked about the current status of personalized advertisement which uses the viewing history data from connected TVs, etc., and the further strategies.

We are a global company with 1,800 employees. As a group company of AT&T, the second largest information and communications company in the United States, Xandr is providing premium contents and advertising technologies. We have taken over the contents which AT&T has cultivated up to this point and the technologies which AppNexus, the predecessor company created.

When we explain about our business, we say, “we are providing the service which enables targeting the TV advertisements in a household level.” This means it is possible to provide different TV advertisements in each household such as one house and the next house. Since we are the second largest programmatic advertisement marketplace, we can automatize the exchange system of advertisement spot. By carrying out the real-time auction, presenting different advertisement targeted in a personal level or household level becomes possible. It is also the same when presenting a particular content and application to a particular target.

We believe that the digital advertisement and TV advertisement can be combined upon the progress of programmatic advertising. Automatization enables more efficiency, and as a next step, the process currently applied to the digital advertisements will be applied also to the TV advertisements. In fact, the video streaming services such as AppleTV and Netflix already have advertisement spots, which are now sold for advertisements in an automatized way. We predict that within next five years, the TV advertisements will adopt the set top box mechanism which was established by going through the process for video streaming service.

In addition, inappropriate advertisements are collecting more attention in this background. We sustain the quality with three approaches. The first one is “to let the customers define the quality.” For example, there are inappropriate combinations of competitors or products. The second one is to execute “the management policy at Xandr side.” We have a special team mainly consisting of lawyers and the technology team. This special team defines different types of advertisements including ones prohibited in the marketplace in the first place or ones which different regulations are applied in different countries and states such as marijuana and gambling. The third one is “utilization of technology.” There are other experts who work on the development of the technology to detect the inappropriate contents. By combining these approaches, we fully consider the brand safety for advertisers.

At the same time, privacy issues are important for AT&T. In Canada and EU, strict regulations are applied. Even in the device ID, IP address, or anonymous ID, Cookie is considered as personal information. Acquiring user’s consent will be the standard prerequisite from now on. We predict how to balance the personalization and the privacy will continue to change in the next five years.


