10年で株価は13倍 Starbucksを復活させたハワード・シュルツの戦略を支えたパーパス・ドリブンな組織改革

In 2008, Starbucks convened 10,000 store managers to introduce the company’s new purpose.


では、パーパス・ドリブンな組織変革とはいかにして実現すればよいのでしょうか。現在、多くの企業が直面しているであろうこの課題を解決するため、宣伝会議では、より実践的な企業変革のアプローチ方法を学べるオンライン特別講座『Becoming a purpose-driven organization』を9/25(金)に開催します。
3回目となる本記事では、同社PrincipalのJarin Tabata氏がパーパス・ドリブンを実現するためのアプローチについて、3つの実践例を解説します。







Case1 :いかにして、WWはダイエット・プログラム提供企業からウェルネスを追求する企業へと変革したのか?

WW Board Member Oprah Winfrey with SYPartners Executive Chair Susan Schuman.

米国企業のWeight Watchers(以下WW)は、SYPartnersとパーパス・ドリブンな企業変革を始めようとしたとき、約1900億円の時価総額であり、優良企業と言われていました。50年間にわたり成長が続き、ダイエット・プログラムを提供するリーダー企業としてのポジションは確立されていました。しかし生活者の行動は、ただ痩せるだけではなく、健康やウェルネスを志向するように変化してきており、それが同社のコアビジネスの脅威になり始めていました。

そこで、同社の役員のオプラ・ウィンフリー(米国の著名な司会者、事業家、慈善家)氏と、CEOのミンディ・グロスマン氏は、パーパスを軸に新たな成功に向けてレガシーブランドを変革することにしました。WWのリーダーたちとSYPartnersは、同社のビジネス全体を大きく変化させるために、「私たちは、人々の生活に、健康的な習慣をインスパイアします。(We inspire healthy habits for real life.)」と、新しいパーパスを定義しました。

WW CEO ミンディ・グロスマンが会社の新しいパーパスを発表している様子。
WW CEO Mindy Grossman presents the company’s new purpose.




Case2 :いかにしてStarbucksは、世界で成功するための準備を行ったのか?

SYPartners and the Starbucks executive team designed immersive experiences to introduce the new purpose to employees.


SYPartnersは、シュルツ氏とエグゼクティブチームと共に、パーパスを「人々の心を豊かで活力あるものにするためにーひとりのお客様、一杯のコーヒー、そしてひとつのコミュニティから(To inspire and nurture the human spirit: one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.)」と改めました。




その後、10年で同社の株価は13倍になり、2019年の売上は約2900億円でした。シュルツ氏は、このStarbucksの復活の物語とSYPartnersとのパートナーシップについて、自伝『スターバックス再生物語 - つながりを育む経営(徳間書店)』でも述べています。

Case3 :日本IBMはどのようにして再び成長を実現したのか?

IBM Japan元CEOのマーティン・イェッター
Former IBM Japan CEO Martin Jetter.



変革のための戦略は、IBMのパーパス「最も必要とされる存在(be essential)」を軸に組み立てられました。このパーパスを完全に浸透させるためには、6,000名のセールス担当者とマネージャー(顧客とのやりとりで前線に立つセールスのリーダー達)のマインドと行動を変えることが必要だと感じました。


また、SYPartnersとIBMのリーダーは「Smarter Selling Academy」という数日間の勉強会を企画しました。セールス担当者は、顧客とパートナーシップの意識を持ち、それぞれの顧客のニーズに応えられるよう、担当業界の知識を深め、創造的なソリューションを考えるといったトレーニングを受け、コンサルタントのように立ち振る舞うための姿勢を教わりました。

イェッター氏とSYPartnersによってデザインされた「Smarter Selling Academy」
The Smarter Selling Academy, designed by Jetter and SYPartners.


最初の「Smarter Selling Academy」の後、IBMの日本でのビジネスは15四半期にわたり成長が続きました。本アカデミーは、1700億円の売上増に直結し、72カ国に展開されることとなりました。2015年1月には、この成功が評価され、イェッター氏は、IBMの最大の従業員数と売上を誇る、IBMグローバルテクノロジーサービスの執行役員に昇進しました。

本連載のもとになり、より実践的にパーパス・ドリブンな企業変革のアプローチ方法を学べるオンライン特別講座『Becoming a purpose-driven organization』を9/25(金)に開催します。今回の記事の内容をより深く学びたい方は、こちらの講座をご活用ください。

Many companies have purpose statements, yet few are truly purpose-driven organizations. The differentiation is determined by what a company does with their purpose. Articulating a purpose is the only the first step in becoming a purpose-driven organization, where purpose drives every part of business strategy and is felt by all who connect to the organization.

An organization’s purpose is the reason it exists. At purpose-driven organizations, purpose acts as a North Star, guiding leaders to make sound decisions amid ambiguity and creating alignment for employees and teams. It is the basis for all business decisions—big and small.

While purpose has become a hot topic in Japan only in recent years, for nearly three decades SYPartners, a transformation consultancy, has been working with organizations around the world to help them become purpose-driven. Based in the U.S., SYPartners’ work has been primarily in partnership with Fortune 500 CEOs to create purpose-driven businesses, in order to achieve enduring success and impact in the world.

How WW transformed their business

When SYPartners began working with Weight Watchers, an American company with a market cap of $1.649B (USD), the company was performing well. They had enjoyed 50 years of continued success and maintained their position as the leading weight-loss membership program year after year. However, changes in consumer behavior began to threaten their core business. People were focusing more on holistic health and wellness, not just weight loss.

Weight Watchers Board Member Oprah Winfrey and CEO Mindy Grossman shared SYPartners’ belief in the power of purpose to transform their legacy brand for renewed success. With the Weight Watchers leadership team, SYPartners defined a new purpose to drive a massive transformation of the entire business: ”We inspire healthy habits for real life.” This shifted the focus of their business from weight loss to positive habit development, thereby vastly expanding the range of opportunities to impact their customers’ lives.

Together, SYPartners and Grossman’s team defined the three-year goals of the company and the bold strategic moves required to get there by applying the purpose to every aspect of the business. Doing so resulted in a new name (WW), a new customer experience, new products, new partnerships, and new capabilities. All of these elements were intentionally designed in a systematic way to reinforce each other.

To ensure purpose would continue to drive growth, SYPartners developed a tool to help employees at every level of the organization make business decisions in alignment with the purpose. In one decision made using this tool, Weight Watchers chose to remove all artificial flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives from their food products. This decision led to the reformulation of 70% of their product line.

In the year after the transformation, the number of WW subscribers was up 8%. In 2020, WW reached an all-time record of more than 5 million subscribed members globally.

How Starbucks set the stage for global success

When Howard Schultz returned as Starbucks CEO in 2008 after eight years away, he felt that “Starbucks had lost its soul.” The company had experienced a 53% decline in net earnings for the previous fiscal year. With SYPartners working alongside him, he set about reinventing the company to return it to greatness.

SYPartners helped Schultz and his executive team rewrite their purpose: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit: one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” They identified the ambitions, guiding principles, and strategic moves that delivered on the purpose in various business critical areas such as innovation, customers, retail environment, and coffee. The focus on purpose inspired the pursuit of specific opportunities, such as Starbucks’ entry into the competitive instant coffee market, and the creation of new in-store menu offerings. It also helped the company decide to stop carrying particular merchandise that distracted from the purpose.

Recognizing the critical role store employees played in customer experience, Starbucks and SYPartners convened 10,000 store managers to share the new purpose. Additionally, Starbucks closed all 7,100 U.S. stores for 3.5 hours to retrain baristas—a decision that cost an estimated $6M, and a controversial move given the difficult economic environment at the time. They recognized that investing in store employees’ connection to the new company purpose and vision ensured the transformation would take hold across the company.

In the following 10 years, the stock price increased 13x. In 2019, Starbucks earned $26.5B in revenue. Howard Schultz told the story of Starbucks’ reinvention and his partnership with SYPartners in his memoir, Onward.

How IBM Japan returned their business to growth

Still recovering from the 3/11 earthquake, Japan entered 2012 with a 20-year trend of deflation and the largest public debt of any developed country. For IBM Japan, a company under multinational technology giant IBM, shrinking market share was exacerbated by low employee morale and outdated ways of working. The company had missed opportunities and did not have a strong pipeline of real innovation. Focused on returning their Japanese business to growth, IBM Japan’s new CEO, Martin Jetter, enlisted SYPartners to help design a turnaround.

The strategy for transformation revolved around IBM’s purpose: be essential. To deliver fully on this purpose, they realized the need for a shift in the mindsets and behaviors of 6,000 Sellers and Managers—IBM’s sales leaders on the frontlines of customer interactions. The traditional best practices that sales teams had relied on for decades were no longer effective. Jetter and SYPartners sought to inspire leaders with a powerful case for change that would reinvigorate the company, once again making IBM essential to the Japanese market.

During Smarter Selling Academy, a multi-day experience designed by SYPartners and IBM leaders, sellers were taught to think like consultants by deepening their industry knowledge and designing creative solutions, in partnership with their customers, to meet their unique needs.

The mindset shift was supported by new ways of working and adapted systems. Nine specific and actionable practices were defined to help IBM sellers live their purpose every day in their work. New tools were incorporated into the business process to support lasting behavior change. New rituals were set in place to foster a culture of continued learning and collaboration.

Following the first Smarter Selling Academy, IBM’s business in Japan saw 15 quarters of consecutive growth. The Selling Academy alone directly contributed to $1.7B in pipeline revenue and scaled to 72 countries. In January 2015, because of his success in turning around the Japanese business, Martin Jetter was promoted to Senior Vice President of IBM Global Technology Services, the company’s largest business unit by population and revenue.

Learn more about purpose-driven organizations at SYPartners’ upcoming lecture, hosted by Sendenkaigi. Register here.


