


SYPartners クライアントを「人」として捉え課題解決を【NY視察研修2019レポート】


宣伝会議では、2019年9月22日から8日間の日程で、米・ニューヨーク視察研修「Business Creation Lab. 2019 in New York」を開催。視察では、世界最大級のマーケティングカンファレンス「Advertising Week NY」への参加のほか、米国の第一線のマーケティング・広告・テクノロジー企業など6社の視察とディスカッションを行った。本レポートでは、視察から見えた世界最先端の広告・メディアビジネスのトレンドを紹介する。


パーパス・ドリブンファームを掲げ、企業のビジョンづくりをサポートしているSYPartners。戦略事業組織「kyu」の傘下に入り博報堂DYホールディングスの仲間入りをした彼らが取り組む「未来のビジョンを形づくる」手法、そして組織の中での「Duos」という考え方とは? Andy Chern氏(Principal)と Garrett Wong氏(Senior Strategist)に話を聞き、ワークショップを行った。





2つめはSystems thinking+Creativityです。これらは相反して見えますが、補完関係にもあります。コンテクストのないクリエイティビティはただのアイデアにすぎません。問題提起を行い、それに対する解決策を生み出せてこそ、クリエイティブだと思っています。




SYPartners By considering a client as a person, steering the problem solving process

SYPartners upholds to be a purpose-driven firm and supports companies for creating corporate visions. After joining Hakuhodo DY Holdings under umbrella of “Kyu” which is their strategic business organization, what is their method “to create the future vision” and what is the idea of “Duos” in organizations? We held a workshop and interviewed Mr. Andy Chern (Principal) and Mr. Garrett Wong (Senior Strategist).

After the establishment in 1994, we have supported many companies including Starbucks and IBM for creating visions. Our customers are top leaders who make decisions for their companies. Together with those leaders, we work through various problems which are different for each leader and make necessary changes for steering for solutions.

Approaches are different for each problem. Here we introduce major three approaches.

One approach is “Empathy + Aspiration.” The first most important idea when working through the problems with leaders is to look at the leaders as “a person” rather than a CEO. It is necessary to understand the current position of that person in his/her story and to think about risks and possibilities which may occur after three years to find out the necessary actions to be taken for the future.

The second approach is “Systems thinking + Creativity.” Systems thinking and Creativity seem contradicting; however, they actually supplement each other. Creativity without a context is only an idea. We believe that presenting problems and generating solutions make creativeness.

The third approach is “Character + Reputation.” We believe it is very important to understand the characteristics of the company and the leader. In addition, paying too much attention to the reputation may lead a lack of confidence. It is important to think about values unique to each organization.

Solutions are different for each client; therefore, we hold a workshop for employees of corresponding organizations and face each organization seriously.

Here is one example of the workshops. When solving problems from inside with the leader, the idea of “Duos” is important. “Duos” is the primitive minimum unit to structure a team. It is the most important unit to build a relationship between persons. “Duos” is a relationship which enables two persons to mutually enhance each other and to be grateful to each other like Paul McCartney and John Lennon. In the workshop, we will map and analyze the relationship of “Duos.” Reviewing the relationships can be used as a material to judge a type of the team to be created.
