



John Jayに聞く — ポートランドと、人工知能と、いい写真を撮る唯一の方法。



So the global population is expanding. A constant evolution of technology is unstoppable. More people, more technologies. Technically, everyone can reach out to anyone by Facebook or Twitter whatever. Anyone can send a message to Marc Newson or Kanye West to make a new collaboration. But it doesn’t work well. That means, real relationship is becoming more valuable. People who has real valuable relationships with interesting people are interesting. So the extreme logic is that only interesting people can gain more opportunities.



I did a lecture long time ago and I said “If you want a client to pay attention to you, you want people to be interested in you, the only way is that you… just need to be an interesting person.” I just basically said, “Lead an interesting life.”

(私はずいぶん前に講演で「もしあなたがクライアントからのアテンションが欲しいのであれば、あなた自身が興味深い人にならなくてはいけない、面白い人間になる、それが唯一の方法だ」と話したことがある。つまりそうなる方法は基本的に「面白い生活を送ることだ」と 。)

I was recently invited to be one of two heads of judging for Nikon international awards by an ex-my team member, so I had all these photographers, curators, museum directors, editors all sitting here and as a responsibility for Nikon to the China audience, we agreed to go to university and speak to the university students. We had a big room filled with university students. On stage is me and the other judges, we were answering questions by audiences. There was one gentleman in the audience, was very annoying honestly, because he kept asking technical questions. So the gentleman said, “Look we all know the real truth here, you guys on stage are all famous and successful because you have access to the equipment, you know which equipment to use. That’s why you have an advantage, you know the equipment and you have the equipment,” and that really infuriated me because it has nothing to do with the equipment, it’s how you think, so I stopped the conference and I said to him, “Let me just stop here, interesting people take interesting pictures.” That’s it.

(最近、私はNikonが主宰する国際写真アワードの審査委員長の二人のうちの一人として、昔の同僚から呼ばれた。審査には、中国でNikonに所縁のあるすべての写真家、キュレーター、美術館のディレクター、エディターなどがいた。そして我々は大学で、その学生たちに講演をすることにした。大きな講堂 は学生たちで満員に埋め尽くされ、ステージには私と他の審査員が並び、会場からの質疑応答を行っていた。
