



John Jayに聞く — ポートランドと、人工知能と、いい写真を撮る唯一の方法。


Now on the flip side, there’s certain things I have to believe will always be valuable, such as creative thinking, creativity, deeper thinking. Ability to think and be able to create will always be important, always.

(ここで逆の側面から考えてみると、私はいつもクリエイティブ思考、つまり深くそしてクリエイティブに考えることに価値があるといつも信じている。考える能力 、作り出す力はいつも大切だ、いつの時代も。)

AI already affects even illustration job. In fact, the latest Google technology called Auto Draw already can provide everyone skills to draw illustrations. So, in terms of the value of human, it’s super important to pursue WHY this work is needed, WHY this design is needed, WHY client said that feedback…regardless of industries.

(AIはすでにイラストレーションの仕事にも影響を及ぼしています。事実、Googleの新しいサービス、Auto Drawは誰にでもイラストレーションができるスキルを提供しています。つまり人間が提供できる価値という側面で考えると、 なぜこの(目の前の)仕事が必要なのか、なぜこのデザインが必要なのか、なぜクライアントはそのフィードバックをしているのか、つまりWHYを考える力が職種・業界に関係なく、とても重要になっていると思っています。)

Very important. Huge. This is why I say listen to artists, that is the skill of an artist, a real artist. Artists train to look and see and feel things that other people can’t see. They have a sensitivity towards the light. As to the why, their ability to observe the world, the ability to express what’s happening in the world in their way is different, that’s their gift, that’s their skill and so I have always said art is like a view of the future, it’s very important.


That’s interesting.


I don’t mean necessarily commercial art.
But why, and the why sometimes it is counter intuitive, why that status quo thinker … Maybe Dan Wieden would take opportunity.


ただなぜ、 時々一見直感(や常識)に反していることが大事なのか。ダン・ワイデン (Wieden+Kennedy の創設者のひとり)はよくわかっている。)

Dan? What is his method?

(ダン? 彼のメソッドは何ですか?)

I just had a wonderful discussion with him about creativity and he’s never going to change, he will always believe in the chaos theory. He will always talk about, not making everything so organized, so neat and rational. Package it, leave room for a lot of mistakes, leave room for error, leave room for emotion.


These are all things that I don’t know if AI will allow you to do . It’s not that AI is the problem, it’s who’s running the AI program? Who’s judging, who’s using it? Dan works in counter-intuitive ways very, very often. I asked him about, I said, “You’re starting an agency, would you have the same hiring principles that you had before?, How did you hire back then?”. He says to me, “Well, present company excluded, we just hired a ship of fools, just a bunch of people that couldn’t work somewhere else perhaps.”


Anyway, yeah you’re right, Thinking power is everything. But in order to have thinking power… I’m not saying that only natural born geniuses will survive or people who went to Harvard or Yale will survive. It’s how you use your life, everything around you.


次ページ 「絶え間ない「変化」が教えてくれる、価値のある人材。」へ続く